Have you have ever found yourself feeling frustrated that it's so hard to make a hummus from scratch that actually tastes as good than the store-bought ones? (I know I have felt this way.)
Deb Gleason, a former Homicide Detective who is now a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a vegan (she went vegan after seeing a film about egg-laying hens on factory farms), may just have found the answer by adding roasted sweet potatoes! :)
I got an e-mail a while ago from her (I'm on her e-mailing list). In the e-mail, she wrote that she had always preferred store-bought hummus over homemade hummus, until she realized that she could use roasted sweet potatoes in the recipe. Now, she makes her hummus at home, and she and others find it even tastier than store-bought hummus!
In fact, my local health food store has even printed out copies of the recipe and set them out for people to take home with them. I haven't tried the recipe yet, but it looks like it's definitely worth trying!
Here is the link to the recipe on her website: