Hi everyone! Since today is a holiday (Thanksgiving here in Canada), I figure that it's okay to post on Monday instead of Sunday. I hope you don't mind!
So, what is the Great International Vegan Soup Competition? It's a wonderful contest that The Animal Rights Action Site is holding, starting now.
Here are the rules:
- You must create a soup recipe completely from scratch. Just experiment, and then try it. If it is good, send it to me by e-mail [rabbit-cat AT vegemail.com] or post it as a comment.
- The soup recipe MUST be vegan.
- You must not copy anyone else's soup recipe. I'll be checking the Internet to make sure it wasn't copied.
- It would be appreciated if your recipe directions were for a small serving. I don't want you to have to waste any if your experimenting goes awry.
- Entries are no longer accepted after December 1, 2012.
- I will choose the winner based on how tasty the soup is!
- PRIZE: TBD! E-mail me your entry with suggestions. If I get at least 5 entries, I'll add a prize! The winner will also get their soup recipe and bio (optional) posted on The Animal Rights Action Site.
1/2 cup chopped vegetables (celery, carrot, cucumber)
1 cup legumes (mix of chickpeas and black beans)
sea salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon herbs (nettle, mint, stevia)
hot water
Pour hot water over vegetables in non-plastic bowl. Add legumes. Add sea salt. Add herbs.
Using food processer, slightly blend the food. Don't overdo it, though!
Put in microwave to heat.
It tasted so good! Who knew that animal-friendly food could taste this good? (Well, I did, but that's not the point, now is it?)
Happy soup-making!
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